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Hi and welcome to Healthy Living Energy Haven. I love sharing ideas and inspiration for healthy living, natural wellness, energy healing and more.

As a natural wellness and energy healing practitioner, using natural healing methods has made a big difference in my life especially in the areas of general health, happiness and alleviating stress and fatigue. My aim here is to provide information and create a resource relating to the many wonderful wellness therapies, healthy living tips, products and tools – including crystals, essential oils, energy healing and others I have tried and tested with the hope that it may assist you on the path to your own increased health, happiness and wellness.

There are many ways we can improve our lives and contribute to healthy living. One of the most important things we can do is try to create a more balanced, “stress-less” type of lifestyle. Easier said than done I know!  In this busy world it can be easy to forget to actually stop and take time out to really nurture and care for ourselves.

Starting with small steps, even just taking a few minutes a day for yourself to relax, connect with nature, read something inspirational or whatever method works for you to participate in self care can make a big difference. You deserve to have a life filled with healthy energy and vitality. So please use this site as a reason or excuse to take a few minutes to pause, relax, refresh and gather the information you need to nurture and care for yourself and your wellbeing.

Thanks for stopping by!

Be sure to say hello and connect on social media –  I’d love to hear from you.

For questions or requests, please fill out a contact form here

 Aurora x


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