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Green Aventurine has many healing benefits and uses. Sometimes referred to as the “Stone of Opportunity” it is also one of the luckiest crystals to have around you. It appears to almost sparkle with prosperity! As a microcrystalline quartz, Aventurine stone has inclusions of mica that do indeed sparkle in the light. Let’s find out more about Green Aventurine’s properties, uses and benefits.

Green Aventurine healing benefits

Here are some of the wonderful benefits of Green Aventurine:

  • Great for clearing negative thought patterns. By clearing and releasing the old negative patterns and habits, it allows you to experience and instill new positive ways of thinking and being.
  • Increases joy and a positive outlook on life to assist you moving forward through changes and challenges.
  • Green Aventurine assists with manifesting wealth, prosperity, abundant opportunities and increased luck.
  • With its strong links to the earth, it can help you to appreciate the connection we have to the earth and nature’s healing powers.
  • Provides a soothing balm for the emotions. Helping to calm anger and frustration, allowing you to feel more peace and harmony.
  • Green Aventurine is wonderful for helping to reduce stress.
  • Helps to quiet the mind of constant repetitive nagging thoughts, allowing you to relax more.
  • Its gentle and beautiful grounding energy can assist with promoting better sleep.
  • Has the ability to assist with neutralising electromagnetic pollution. Absorbing electromagnetic smog from equipment such as computers, televisions and mobile phones.
  • Green Aventurine benefits by helping to increase healing energy throughout the body, mind, emotions an aura. Releasing negativity and energy blocks, bringing about more harmony and balance.
  • Can assist with letting go of unhealthy patterns in relationships and look forward to new solutions and directions that may be available with increased joy and optimism.
  • Clear, activate and protect the Heart Chakra. Providing comfort and a beautiful calming energy. Helpful during times of emotional challenge and upset.
  • Increases vitality and life force energy.
  • Encourages mental focus, perception, creativity and imagination.

Who can benefit from Green Aventurine?

Anyone can benefit from Green Aventurine especially if you are wanting to manifest more prosperity, wealth or opportunities in your life. Great to have around you when starting new projects, business ventures, or travelling.

Also helpful for those in need of calming earth energies and balance. Having more connection to the healing powers of the earth.  Anyone needing gentle soothing of the emotions and clearing and protection of the Heart Chakra would benefit from beautiful Green Aventurine.

 How to use Green Aventurine

  • A beautiful piece of Green Aventurine crystal is wonderful around the home to create a harmonising, relaxing , peaceful energy like this one.
  • Can be placed on top of or near interview notes, projects, prize tickets or coins etc to increase luck and opportunities.
  • Placing it in your bedroom or under your pillow can be excellent for reducing stress and promoting sleep.
  • Use Green Aventurine crystal in your home or office for increased abundance, prosperity, wealth and opportunities.
  • In the garden and also among indoor plants. Green Aventurine has a strong connection to the earth, helping your plants and garden to flourish.
  • Hold over the Heart Chakra during meditation to help clear, activate and protect like these.
  • Wear beautiful Green Aventurine gemstone to experience the wonderful benefits it offers. A pendant or beads worn near the Heart Chakra area or a lovely bracelet.

Green Aventurine is a very lucky stone and brings about more optimism, joy and zest for life. Opportunities, abundance, wealth and prosperity may be increased by utilising the power of this crystal. It can enhance positivity and motivation to keep you moving forward toward your goals and dreams. Also with its soothing and relaxing properties, the energy of this beautiful crystal might help you to reduce stress and even get a better night’s sleep.

How has Green Aventurine benefited you?

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