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There are some wonderful reasons to try Reiki, but first let’s find out what Reiki is and how it works.

What is Reiki and How Does it Work?

Reiki is a healing technique originating from Japan. Rei- sometimes referred to as universal wisdom and Ki – life force energy aims to improve health and enhance the quality of life. It treats the whole person including the body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Reiki is a simple, natural method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that anyone can try.

Reiki is a non-invasive treatment and usually follows a traditional pattern of hand positions used by the practitioner resting without pressure on or above the body. It is generally performed in person but some clients choose to receive Reiki as a distant healing.

Reasons to try Reiki

Here are three great reasons to try Reiki:

1. Reiki is relaxing – As Reiki has a gentle balancing effect on the whole person, it can assist toward attaining a more peaceful, calm state of being. Releasing stress and giving you the opportunity to cope better with everyday tasks and challenging situations.

2. Can help treat a range of conditions – Some of the conditions that Reiki may be able to assist with treating include anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue and headaches. Digestive issues, pain, grief, anger and upset. Stress and generally feeling out of balance or out of sorts.

3. It can be good for your relationships – Reiki can increase your ability to feel more empathy, compassion and harmony toward yourself and others. In helping to improve the relationship with yourself, Reiki assists in enhancing your energy, feeling more balanced and appreciating and enjoying the benefits of self-care.

Booking a Reiki treatment

To book a Reiki treatment in person look for a qualified practitioner near you. Reiki can also be received via distance if you or the practitioner you want to work with lives remotely, or if you are just more comfortable staying in your own home.

If you’re feeling unsure about booking a treatment or finding the right Reiki practitioner, contact a few. Talk to them, ask more questions and gain further information until you feel comfortable they are the right practitioner for you.

A Reiki practitioner should never ask you to stop any medical treatments you are currently involved in. Reiki works alongside western medicine and other therapies as a complementary treatment not a replacement.

Reiki resources

There are also some great books  available which will give you more insight into Reiki, for anyone wanting to try a treatment or wanting to learn to practice Reiki. They can even be used as a wonderful reference tool for new and current practitioners alike.

Reiki can be used to help improve many areas of life. So why not give it a try and experience the healing benefits for yourself!

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