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Amethyst has many healing benefits and uses. It has long been valued and recognised for its wonderful healing properties including calming and protective energies, and assisting with meditation and sleep.  A beautiful quartz crystal, Amethyst has a gorgeous purple hue and colours that can vary anywhere from a very deep violet to a very pale lavender. Let’s find out more.

Amethyst healing benefits

●    Calming and peaceful properties. Amethyst has the ability to calm emotions and create a peaceful energy.

●    It soothes the nervous system and helps you to feel more balanced and centred.

●    Amethyst is a powerful protective crystal, helping to protect the aura and prevent psychic attack.

●    Embodying the beautiful violet flame energy, Amethyst dispels and transmutes lower and negative energies into light and love.

●    Great all round healer providing healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

●    Encourages emotional stability and strength, helping you to move forward through challenging situations.

●    Amethyst is excellent for meditation and enhancing intuition.

●    Believed to have a sobering effect which may contribute to overcoming addictions including food addictions, assisting you to make better choices.

●    Strengthens the endocrine, circulatory and immune systems and cleansing organs.

●   Can assist with detoxification and regulating the metabolism.

●    Amethyst is great for invigorating and enhancing creativity.

●    Supports you in generating new ideas and putting those ideas into action.

●    Amethyst healing benefits stimulate, cleanse and balance the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

●    Helpful for insomnia, sleep issues and calming an overactive mind. Great for helping you to get a better night’s sleep.

●    Promotes happiness and contentment.

●    Amethyst can enhance abundance and wealth and increase prosperity.

●    Amethyst can help to encourage new business ideas, creative thinking and harmony in the workplace, reducing stress.

Who can benefit from Amethyst?

Anyone who wants to utilise the amazing healing properties of Amethyst can benefit from it. If you are looking to reduce stress and add more calm, relaxation, healing, peace, protection, creativity, intuition and abundance into your life and environment then Amethyst could be a beautiful crystal to assist you.

How to use Amethyst

●    A beautiful cluster of Amethyst like this one is wonderful in any room of the house to raise the vibration, bringing more peace and dispelling negativity.

●    Placing Amethyst in the bedroom or under your pillow can be excellent for promoting restful sleep.

●    Wear this lovely purple stone on you to protect and bring calm, peace, abundance and all the amazing properties it offers like this beautiful pedant,  earrings or ring.

●    For meditation, hold Amethyst in your hands and feel the amazing energy like this one.

●   Place over your Third Eye and Crown Chakras to experience the healing benefits. Helps to clear and activate the chakras and may assist with increasing intuition and psychic ability.

●   Carry a piece of Amethyst in your pocket to help curb addictive habits.

●   Great to have in an office or work space. Place it on your desk for increased abundance, wealth and prosperity.

Amethyst can make a wonderful addition to your home, business environment, jewellery or crystal collection as it has so many benefits. No wonder it is one of the most popular of crystals.

How has Amethyst benefited you?

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